Slimsutra Founder Shelly Khera on an expansion plan, to explore meaningful collaborations both in india & abroad.
Slim Sutra Slimming and Yoga Wellness Centre managed under the visionary leadership of Yogacharya Shelly Khera was recently awarded at Pharma Leaders Super Brand Awards 2015 as “India’s Most Promising & Valuable Nutrition & Wellness Centre in Diet & Nutritional Counseling 2015”
Slim Sutra Slimming and Yoga Wellness Centre was recognized at the the 8th Annual Pharmaceutical Leadership Summit & Business Leadership Awards 2015 in Mumbai in December where more than 300 top leaders of the healthcare industry had gathered to be the part of the historic debate on “Pharma Leaders 2015, Brand India Winning”. Slim Sutra received the prestigious & most credible award title “India’s Most Promising & Valuable Nutrition & Wellness Centre in Diet & Nutritional Counseling 2015” by the Network 7 Media Group Jury for its path-breaking innovations in Yoga slimming solutions & variety of other lifestyle issues.
Yoga is a fine science that blends body, mind & soul. We at Slimsutra make every attempt to connect body, mind & soul in a natural & scientific way.
The yoga practice of mindfulness increases awareness of the body and its responses. That awareness is good for your diet. When you are aware that you grab a snack for quick energy when you’re tired, you can decide to get more sleep. When you remember the heavy feeling from an order of fries or the espresso buzz that keeps you from sleep, you can make healthier choices. Yoga poses that enhance mindfulness and relaxation might include Uttanasana, a standing forward bend in which the head and torso fold down as close to the front of the legs as possible, with the fingertips beside the feet or the palms flat on the floor by the ankles. Uttanasana helps to reduce fatigue, anxiety and stress. Savasana, or Corpse pose, is a long relaxed stretch with your back on the mat, legs extended and arms down along the sides. In Savasana, you are as close to sleep as you can get while still fully awake. Yoga and Weight Loss has reported on several studies that confirm the links between weight loss and yoga. Yoga creates long, lean muscles. That’s good news for looking and feeling fit on a diet. But the best news is that the muscle keeps on working for you even when you’re not working it. Muscle burns fat whether it is engaged or at rest. The higher the proportion of muscle tissue you have, the more fat you burn. The strengthening and lengthening aspects of evening yoga practice help you to lose weight while you sleep.
Yoga is a fine science that blends body, mind & soul says @KheraShelly in interview to @Indian_Affairs. pic.twitter.com/RMydfWeXWH
— Indian Affairs (@Indian_Affairs) February 13, 2016
The yoga practice of mindfulness increases awareness of the body and its responses. That awareness is good for your diet. When you are aware that you grab a snack for quick energy when you’re tired, you can decide to get more sleep. When you remember the heavy feeling from an order of fries or the espresso buzz that keeps you from sleep, you can make healthier choices. Yoga poses that enhance mindfulness and relaxation might include Uttanasana, a standing forward bend in which the head and torso fold down as close to the front of the legs as possible, with the fingertips beside the feet or the palms flat on the floor by the ankles. Uttanasana helps to reduce fatigue, anxiety and stress. Savasana, or Corpse pose, is a long relaxed stretch with your back on the mat, legs extended and arms down along the sides. In Savasana, you are as close to sleep as you can get while still fully awake.
Yoga is not a recent phenomenon. It is an ancient Indian practice which is associated not just with the physical well-being of the body but with the overall health of a human being. I see yoga as a holistic package, which unlike other physical activities aims at cleansing and rejuvenating the human body from outside as well as within. If one adopts the practice as a part of everyday routine, one can actually feel the difference – mentally, physically as well spiritually. And as an added bonus, it can bring about weight loss too.With the growing trend of people getting more cautious of their expanding waistlines and increased instances of metabolic disorders – cancer, diabetes and others – there has been a sudden upsurge in people prioritising their health and resorting to tailor-made diet plans and fitness regimes.For the longest time in my life, I was of the opinion that yoga involves a set of exercises where holding certain postures for a few seconds was the main objective. I used to think of it as a regime meant for those who were already fit but were keen on building their flexibility. I could somehow never relate it to being an effective tool for weight loss as compared to the high intensive workout sessions in the gyms. It took me quite some time to understand the mechanism of different asanas and their efficacy but I must tell you, the understanding of it was enlightening, affirmative and oh, so gratifying!
Yoga and weight loss
Before we target weight loss, it is important to understand the various factors that contribute in weight gain. Apart from faulty dietary habits, one should identify that weight gain also stems from inefficient functioning of various bodily functions. Yoga has some of the most basic breathing practices at its base which aims at cleansing, balancing and rejuvenating our inner organs and their functions. Various breathing exercises and basic asanas help in increasing metabolic and heart rates. Once you are healed from within, the focus then shifts towards the outer body.
Yoga is considered as one of the the best and simplest ways for weight loss. The best thing about yoga is that it can be practised by people of any age as it is equally good for any age group. Even pregnant women are recommended to do Yoga because it can be healthful during the period as long as they take certain precautions.Stress has been linked to many health problems including gaining weight. Yoga, which is believed to be a good stress buster, will not only help you stay in shape, but will also reduce your risk of getting certain diseases. Losing weight and staying fit can help boost a person’s self-esteem and decrease stress levels.
Indian Affairs caught up with Shelly Khera to find out the origin of Slim Sutra & the importance of Yoga practice in our daily life.
Excerpts from the interview
Indian Affairs: What do you think that Slim Sutra has a niche space in the crowded Indian yoga slimming market?
Shelly Khera: Slim Sutra believes in the philosophy of combining evidence-based medicine with the wisdom of ancient wellness solutions. We believe we have achieved a fine balance between absorbing the benefits of the two sciences and merging them together for today’s informed consumer.
Indian Affairs: Are there any breakthrough initiatives that you have driven, if so, how it has impacted the society & quality of life?
Shelly Khera: Yoga is a huge wealth of health secrets that had been ignored until two decades back in the commercial market. Bringing it to the forefront has been one of our frontline endeavours; yoga as a mainstream health activity has been welcomed by the modern consumer and Slim Sutra is proud to bring about this change in the urban habit.
Indian Affairs: Elaborate on your name & its significance in slimming solutions?
Shelly Khera: Sutra literally means a rope or thread that holds things together. We a Sutra, wish to be that sting to you that will connect and bind you to righteous & healthy ways of living. According to Sutra studies, each client is unique in his or her health issues. Therefore, we take a customized as well as a wholesome approach to address your core problem.Our dedicated team of counselors study your diet history and create modified diets to suit your lifestyle. This is inherently combined with a scientific approach to weight loss.To ensure the transformation be constant and long term, we emphasize the importance of exercise in the form of yog asanas that not only helps in reaching the results faster, but also ensures immense control over senses and the ability to say no to temptations that arise along the path. We aim to offer integrated health plan for a healthy body, creative mind and evolving spirit.
Pharma Leader : What differences do you feel that india VS West in Yoga slimming & wellness?
Shelly Khera: There is a vast difference between practising Yoga as a pure physical activity as opposed to practising Yoga with its ‘bhavas’ that is emotions. We have seen certain western institutions executing Yoga as a pure physical benefit which we feel does not do full justice to the power of this beautiful and wholesome exercise.
Indian Affairs: Given a choice, will you collaborate with the Government of india in its mission to promote Yoga & Yoga related healthcare services
Shelly Khera: I fully believe in the power of Yoga and the positive changes it can yield in an individual’s life. Given an opportunity, I would definitely collaborate with the Government of India in its noble mission.
Indian Affairs: Being the pioneer in Yoga Culture, Why the traditional method of being fit in Yoga, has still remained out of millions of Indian masses?
Shelly Khera: Yoga has not received the exposure it deserves as opposed to the popular and glamorous culture such as the gym. The effects of Yoga are slower to start with and definitely long lasting. This also leads to some sort of impatience in today’s fast-paced and quick result-oriented generation. However, give it time and patience & I can promise Yoga is undoubtedly the best gift you can give to your body and your mind.
Indian Affairs: Do you have any expansion plans to expand your centre in india & abroad?
Shelly Khera: Slim Sutra is a rare gem that is functioning with a soul because of my direct involvement in the entire process, be it the science or the final results. Franchising too soon may dilute the authenticity plans, but having said that, we are open to a genuine collaboration with health enthusiasts worldwide.
Indian Affairs: Are you open to collaborate with overseas players willing to open its wings in india?
Shelly Khera: That would be an honour.
Indian Affairs: During the next three years we estimate that the Indian wellness industry will grow at a CAGR of 20% to reach INR 875 billion. This augurs well for the Yoga wellness industry in India as well. How do you look at the current trends?
Shelly Khera: This generation’s obsession with quick results will soon highlight the importance of long-lasting and healthier results, I predict a boom in the Yoga culture and an affinity of the people to more organic and natural sources of health and wellness.
Indian Affairs: There will be a boom in the traditional medicine industry as we are trying to push the industry and take it to the international level. The prime minister has also decided to take this traditional science seriously. Your take on this?
Shelly Khera: I think its a brilliant and much needed initiative. The ancient Indian literature and traditional science has a wealth of life changing secrets and health solutions. If adapted well, it has the power to bring positive change in the lives of those who accept and practice it whole-heartedly.
The new technology introduced by Slim Sutra called Non Surgical External Lipolysis helps an individual to stay fit without disrupting the daily course of life. This technology doesn’t require LIPOSUCTION or any other techniques which interferes in the daily routine and neither does it require any compromise on the diet of the person. The technology will be a breather for fitness enthusiast across due to the simple and easy to understand technique of keeping one’s body in shape.
The ultrasonic lipolysis, also known as aesthetic cavitation is a relatively new technique that applies a phenomenon knows in physics to aesthetics. This phenomenon is called cavitation, and is a very smart way to reduce fat because it is converted into liquid and then is naturally eliminated with urine. When cavitation is followed by a lymphatic drainage the process is faster, as the drainage is very effective eliminating liquids. Let’s look at the details on how ultrasonic cavitation works: The ultrasonic cavitation reduces fat cells with certain manipulation techniques, thanks to a machine that is placed on the skin exactly in the area that has to be treated. The cavitation physic principle was not used, until some time ago, in aesthetic medicine. The machine works with ultrasounds that form bubble in the tissues where the fat cells are. The bubble expands and then it is immediately compressed. The temperature increases due to the pressure sudden variation and the bubble implodes. The implosion damages the fat cells, reducing the localized adiposity. With the cavitation the fat cells are exposed to a pressure that breaks their membranes, unleashing the destruction of adipose deposits. The fat contained (triglycerides) fragments into diglycerides that are expelled via the urinary system. It is strongly suggested a low‐ calorie diet and to drink at least two litres of water before and after the treatment, being an essential step in the fat elimination process. Generally one cavitation treatment lasts 35 minutes, where a single part of the body is treated: abdomen, buttocks, internal or external part of the legs are the most common ones. Between a session and another 72 hours must pass, so the body can eliminate fat. The minimum suggested number of sessions is from 6 to 10. How does cavitation work? The advanced technology of cavitation enables the concentration of energy at precise depth in the tissue, which enables the selective dispersion of fat cells under the skin. The surface of the skin, the veins, the nerves and the muscles remain untouched. The fat out of the dispersed fat cells flows out in the form of triglycerides into the intercellular fluid, where it decomposes under the influence of enzymes into glycerol and simple fatty acids. The water‐ soluble glycerol enters the circulation and is spent for production of new energy, the insoluble simple fatty acids then travel into the liver, where they are decomposed like any other simple fatty acid, including those consumed from food. On which parts of body and how is cavitation executed? With cavitation procedure we remove cellulite and fat deposits which have accumulated on the BELLY, BUTTOCKS, THIGHS, HIPS, KNEES AND THE UPPER ARMS. With that, it is very important that you drink a lot of water, which helps the body to excrete the deposited fats. Who should make use of cavitation? Cavitation is meant for men and women who face problems of accumulated fat deposits or cellulite. Slim Sutra offer this unique, revolutionary and tested method of fat burning and body firming. Nowadays the shortage of time and exercise as well as inappropriate nutrition, rapidly increase the number of overweight people. A stern diet, strong will and hard work in the gym can contribute to weight reduction, yet they usually do not remove the inveterate fat cushions on one’s belly, hips and thighs. For a number of years surgical treatment (liposuction) had been the only solution for such problems. Does that mean there is no hope for men and women who refuse invasive procedures and the potential risks they bring with them? The cavitation procedure is a painless revolutionary service which does not affect the surrounding tissues and has no side effects. Even though many people are losing centimetres and gaining a new contour during their cavitation sessions, they do not understand how this new miracle weapon against fat works. The time has come to clarify it.
Yogacharya Shelly Khera, M.D. & Founder, Slim Sutra, Slimming Expert & Yogacharya
A brief Overview of the Journey
Mrs. Shelly Khera is an acclaimed dietician, nutritionist, slimming expert & a world renowned Yogacharya. Her television program on Yoga has a dedicated audience all over the world. She’s also a column writer with various health magazines. After 15 years of teaching, she has dedicated her life to the perfection of the health philosophy and is committed to share its benefits with society at large. She has been on the panel of Gladrags Megamodel & Manhunt Contest 2010 as the Health & Fitness Expert for the grooming of the contestants. She also partnered with Hero Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa for training their young singing contestants for their complete physical & mental fitness along with potentiating the vocal flexibility. She was also a guest speaker at Tata AIG’s launch of Lifa (Lady Independent Financial Advisor) to spread awareness on staying slim and fit for working women. Shelly has over the past few years researched the concept of slimming and has put together a plethora of slimming and spot reduction services which ensure the least chance of the lost weight bouncing back. During her yoga sessions, she noticed a lot of men and women who enrolled where the unsatisfied clients who after losing a good amount of weight with a slimming centre got all or more of it back. That’s what led her to find a system without loopholes that ensures maintenance of lost weight and she proudly stands by its conception.Shellyji, not only emphasizes on physical well-being, but also believes that, “Making your mind ready for the kind of change that your body will go through is extremely essential. Also, if you are not mentally prepared to make the healthy way of living as a lifestyle change, the weight or the erratic lifestyle is likely to bounce back.”
“Slimming does not always mean being healthy so we, at Slim Sutra, make sure that we combine health and slimming of the body at the same time and prepare body to accept the change in healthy manner so that you maintain your inches for a longer period of time.”