With the aim of Swachhata at workplace, the National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, along with its attached offices of Development Monitoring & Evaluation Office (DMEO), Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) located in NITI Bhawan and its Autonomous Institution viz. National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development (NILERD) situated in Narela, Delhi organized the Special Campaign 2.0 from 2nd October to 31st October, 2022.
The Campaign has focused on liquidation of pendency in respect of MP’s references, references from State Government, Inter-Ministerial references (Cabinet Note), Parliamentary Assurances, Public Grievances & PG Appeals, to review existing rules and procedures to reduce compliance burden, record management, cleanliness of Government Offices including space management etc.
During the preparatory phase of the Campaign from 14th to 30th September 2022, NITI Aayog including its attached offices/ autonomous institution of DMEO, AIM and NILERD had identified pendency under various categories viz. references from Member of Parliament, Inter-Ministerial References (Cabinet Proposals), Public Grievances/ Appeals, cleanliness of sites, review of files etc. However, there were no pending references from Members of Parliament, State Government, IMC References (Cabinet Proposals) in NITI Aayog. Further, nothing relating to Easing of Rules / Processes pending in NITI Aayog.
During the Special Campaign period from 2nd October to 31st October, 2022, all the 1458 files identified for review have been reviewed, out of which 1204 files have been weeded out (the number identified for disposal). Therefore, there is 100% achievement in weeding out of files. There is 91% achievement in disposal of Public Grievance and 99% achievement in Public Grievance Appeals. The Parliamentary Assurances pending which are 12 in number could not be disposed of being technical in nature; however, efforts are continuously being taken to dispose of these assurances. The redundant scrap material and obsolete items have also been identified for disposal. The space freed under this Campaign is 468 Sq. feet. Through sale of e-waste and obsolete items, a revenue of Rs. 16,065/- has been generated.