I am pleased to note that Pharmaleaders Magazine, India’s first opinion based & research driven bi-monthly magazine which has been relentlessly reporting in Pharma Journalism in a unbiased, fearless & independent way & voicing the opinion of the healthcare industry like us to the statutory Authorities like Ministry of Health & Family Affairs, Dept of Chemicals & Fertilizers, DCGA, FDA & many other institutions to present the pressing demands of the healthcare industry. Pharmaleaders Magazine has also presented our healthcare industry to the global platforms being the largest research based & technologically innovative hub of Healthcare Companies. Pharmaleaders Magazine since last one decade has been organizing world-class “Pharmaceutical Leadership Summit & Excellence Awards” year after year to create a platform for knowledge sharing & dissemination of innovative ideas from the stalwarts of the Industry.
It is heartening to note that Pharmaleaders in association with Pharmexcil & with several leading pharmaceutical trade bodies, industry organizations with the support from Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, is debating on a aptly theme “Brand India : Beyond Generics, Leading with Resilience: Coming Back from Challenge and Heading Towards Super-power Status in Mumbai today I am also given to learn that Pharmaleaders Group which has so far honored, recognized & felicitated more than top 500 performers both Companies & Individuals since 1999 & Pharmaceutical Leadership Business Leadership Awards are most credible & independent, free from interference. The three tier judging mechanism allows each nominee to undergo a public scrutiny first by the SMS, Email & than the eminent Juries .
I thank the Organisers, Jury Members, Mr Satya Brahma, the Chairman of the Summit & the people at large which included Pharma Companies, Pharma Academia, Research Scholars, Biotech Companies & Doctors for choosing me as Global Indian Of The Year 2012. I also congratulate Dr B R Shetty of NMC for getting the Award in Male category. My Congratultations to all the Award Winners & wish them very best in the years to come.